General terms

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This website is the official website of "BIO BEE FARMS STRANDJA" Ltd. with address: village of Gramatikovo, 29 D "Petrova Niva" street and correspondence address -8000 Burgas, "Tsar Simeon I" street #82, floor 2 , EIK 207626005

Dear Users,

Please pay attention to the Terms of Use of this site. These Terms and Conditions constitute a CONTRACT between you and the "BIO BEE FARMS STRANDJA" Ltd, which gives you the right to use free of charge the information resources of the website for personal and non-commercial purposes, subject to the conditions below. These General Terms and Conditions have binding effect only on the relationship between you as a User of the Website Information and the "BIO BEE FARMS STRANDJA" Ltd.


The content of has information and advertising purposes. It is submitted by the members of the Association and is managed by the administrators of the website. Any damages suffered as a result of actual actions taken only on the basis of the information published on this website is entirely at the expense of the persons who have taken these actions. "BIO BEE FARMS STRANDJA" Ltd reserves the right to edit the information published on the website, including the termination of access to it at any time and the obligation to take all reasonable measures to publish reliable and quality information.

The information on this website complies with the requirements of the legislation in force in the Republic of Bulgaria. If you find any inconsistencies, obsolescence, unreliability or unlawfulness of the published information, please inform in good time.


The software that provides the functionality of this website, its design, including all information on the Website, insofar as it does not constitute public information, is subject to copyright. No part of the objects of protection may be reproduced, translated, altered or used in any way without the prior written consent of  "BIO BEE FARMS STRANDJA" Ltd. The disclosure of press releases, other documents, and information classified as public, in cases where their source is quoted, will be considered to be pre-authorized.

Protection of personal data

You can browse the pages of this website freely without completing any registration forms and entering any personal data. If you choose to use any of our specialized modules and services - such as a request and a form of contact, it is necessary to provide the personal data we require in order to perform the service you have requested but your personal data collected and processed by BIO BEE FARMS STRANDJA ASSOCIATION are used in strict compliance with the requirements of the Personal Data Protection Act.

Consent to the terms and conditions of the site

By visiting the website, we accept that you agree to our terms and conditions of use. In case you do not agree with them, please do not use this website The rules and the principles for working on this website are for the sole purpose of protecting your interests and ensuring your  safe use.